Imunify360: state-of-the-art protection for your website

IMUNIFY360 stands out as a robust security suite tailored for Linux servers. Offering a range of essential features including Antivirus, Firewall, PHP Layered Security, Patch Management, WAF, and Domain Reputation functions, it ensures comprehensive protection. Its intuitive user interface coupled with refined automation makes it effortlessly manageable.

Brute-force protection

Thanks to Imunify, all forms on your sites receive automatic protection against brute force login attempts. Imunify swiftly blocks connections that repeatedly try to access with incorrect login data.

Antivirus y malware

Imunify360 diligently scans the contents of your site to ensure it remains free from viruses and malware at all times. This process is automated, but for added flexibility, servers equipped with cPanel also offer the option for manual scans whenever necessary.

Anti-intrusion protection system

The enhanced ModSecurity rules implemented on CloudLinux systems significantly improve the efficiency of the firewall barrier. This enhancement effectively reduces occurrences of ‘false positives’ and other common annoyances experienced by our customers.

Native security features within the operating system

You’ll steer clear of burdening applications like WordPress, Drupal, Moodle, etc., with excessive security plugins. This approach helps you avoid uncommon configurations in popular applications such as WordPress, Magento, and others.



Centralized Incident Management

The central dashboard is seamlessly integrated into our control panel*, granting us immediate access to the comprehensive overview of server status and security management. Updated every 60 seconds, it showcases security events and the latest incidents. This user-friendly interface enables filtering and selection of events based on diverse parameters, detailed review of incidents, whitelist and blacklist management, configuration viewing, report generation, and more.

* Supports cPanel, Plesk, and DirectAdmin, as well as ISPmanager, and servers without a control panel (please inquire for the current version).

Advanced Firewall with AI Integration

Intelligent Protection

Imunify360 provides advanced firewall protection utilizing collective immunity and artificial intelligence to detect emerging threats across all servers running the software. This robust firewall effectively safeguards against brute force attacks, DDoS attacks, and port scans. Additionally, Imunify conducts continuous scanning and cleaning to eradicate any existing malware.

The firewall seamlessly integrates with mod_security web application firewalls, significantly enhancing its usability. When combined with WAF, Imunify effectively prevents the majority of web application attacks before they initiate. Additionally, an advanced Captcha system is incorporated to minimize false positives and ensure legitimate clients can access your or your customers’ websites.


Intrusion detection and protection system

Over 52% of hosting providers report ongoing issues with remote exploitation on their customers’ web servers. With IDS and IPS capabilities integrated into Imunify360, you gain comprehensive protection from both internal and external threats, safeguarding your servers from all angles.

Imunify360 boasts an exceptional Intrusion Prevention System (IPS) equipped with an extensive array of ‘deny’ policy rules. These rules swiftly block all known attacks, particularly those leveraging common or previously identified exploit tools.

The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) within Imunify360 offers unparalleled visibility into server security by continuously monitoring logs. Imunify meticulously scans log files from various perspectives, identifying IP addresses displaying malicious indicators such as password weaknesses or potential vulnerabilities. This proactive approach effectively safeguards the server from attacks, with the system generating regular reports accessible via the Imunify360 control panel.

Malware Scan

Imunify360 addresses this challenge by conducting automatic scans of file systems to detect malware injections, swiftly quarantining infected files for prompt resolution

Security Scanning & Patch Management

Imunify360 detects outdated software components on our servers and offers the option to either update them automatically or notify us for manual decision-making regarding upgrades.


Proactive Defense

Imunify360’s Proactive Defense feature, formerly known as Sandboxing, shields websites from zero-day attacks by intercepting even the malware that traditional scanners may not detect.

The system detects attacks on Linux web servers in real-time, automatically blocking potentially malicious executions with zero latency.

Proactive Defense employs a unique methodology to identify security risks by analyzing the actions performed by scripts rather than scrutinizing their lines of code. Upon detecting suspicious behavior, actions are promptly blocked.


Automatic updates, no downtimes

The secure kernel, powered by KernelCare, is a vital component ensuring server security by automatically patching kernels without requiring reboots. Its agent checks for new patches every four hours and seamlessly applies them to the running server, without any performance impact. KernelCare ensures that the kernel remains up-to-date, mitigating the risk of disastrous incidents.

Hardened PHP is a crucial component that enhances security by patching all PHP versions against known vulnerabilities. This feature enables you to utilize any PHP version without the need to upgrade programs to align with newer versions, ensuring robust protection.

Imunify360 automatically patches Glibc against vulnerabilities without the need for server restarts.


Contrasting with blacklists

Imunify analyzes whether sites or IPs are listed on any blacklist and notifies accordingly. Maintaining the reputation of our sites is paramount. For instance, if a site on our server is flagged by Google as a distributor of malware, it risks exclusion from Google’s search results, posing a significant setback for startups and businesses. Similarly, if a site is identified as a spammer by an RBL list, its emails may be blocked. Without proactive monitoring of each site’s reputation, we risk overlooking blacklists for extended periods, allowing issues to escalate to critical levels.

Duplika utilizes Imunify360 for enhanced security measures

Health and a Clean Reputation

Imunify360 stands out as the ultimate solution for ensuring comprehensive protection of the sites on our servers, owing to its native, continuous, intelligent, and efficient operation. Regarded as the most robust software package in terms of security, it offers numerous benefits, from proactive defense to site reputation management, facilitated by features such as KernelCare and omnipresent monitoring.

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With over 19 years of online experience, we are here to assist you.



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